Here is what you will need to achieve this look.
1. Yellow eyeshadow or pigment. I used Goldenrod by Moi Minerals
2. Bright green/chartreuse eyeshadow or pigment. I used Snap by Moi Minerals
3. Aqua or Teal eyeshadow or pigment. I used Aqua Nights by Moi Minerals
4. Pink eyeshadow or pigment. I used Hi Five by Moi Minerals
5. Primer and base to make the eyeshadow last and pop. I used Too Faced Shadow Insurance and NYX Jumbo Pencil in Milk.
6. Eyeshadow Brush and a Fluffy Brush for blending. I use the $1 e.l.f brushes and either the M.A.c #222 brush or the Studio Tools Crease Brush from Target.
7. Black liquid eyeliner ( optional)
1. Yellow eyeshadow or pigment. I used Goldenrod by Moi Minerals
2. Bright green/chartreuse eyeshadow or pigment. I used Snap by Moi Minerals
3. Aqua or Teal eyeshadow or pigment. I used Aqua Nights by Moi Minerals
4. Pink eyeshadow or pigment. I used Hi Five by Moi Minerals
5. Primer and base to make the eyeshadow last and pop. I used Too Faced Shadow Insurance and NYX Jumbo Pencil in Milk.
6. Eyeshadow Brush and a Fluffy Brush for blending. I use the $1 e.l.f brushes and either the M.A.c #222 brush or the Studio Tools Crease Brush from Target.
7. Black liquid eyeliner ( optional)
1. Start off by priming your eye and
adding your base in the desired shape of your finished look.
2. Take Goldenrod ( yellow) and apply it just to your eyelid in the area shown above using your eyeshadow brush
3. Take Snap ( green) and apply it just above Goldenrod slightly overlapping right up to your crease.
4.Take Aqua Nights ( teal or aqua) and apply it into the crease slightly overlapping Snap.
5.Grab your fluffy blending brush and get Goldrenrod and reapply it to the same area slightly overlapping into Snap again to blend the two colors together.
6. Using the same fluffy brush apply Snap to the same area again slightly overlapping into Aqua Nights.
7. Get a very light amount of Aqua Nights and apply to the same area and lightly apply and blend.
8. Grab Hi Five (pink) and put a very small amount on your fluffy brush and of apply to the top edge of Aqua Nights and heavily blend by going over with your fluffy brush. It should fade from a purple toned color to a very light pink of blended enough.
Your finished eye should look something like this! Add liquid
liner ( if desired), I used Jordana Fabuliner eyeliner marker and
mascara. I hope this simple tutorial helped!! If you try this look out please
send me a finished pic or link me to it! I would love to see!!!
Thanks for reading,
Thanks for reading,
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